The aim of the programme is to raise graduates that are able to solve engineering problems, especially in the field of design and development of modern electronic devices and software applications in the area of medicine and biology.
Graduates obtain solid foundations for individual scientific work in these areas and for continuing in post-graduate study programmes at both local and foreign universities. They may find use in medical facilities, research and development teams or various management positions.
Specializations selection
Processing of biological, molecular data, DNA
Modern methods of analysis of vast sets of data utilization, including data mining from great and heterogenous databases.
Medical Instrumentation
Experience modern medicinal technologies
A focus on medicinal technologies, designing and testing of diagnostic a therapeutic apparati used in medicine.
Image processing
Image processing with the use of aritificial intelligence
Work with modern technics of digital processing od 2D or 3D images. Especially with an emphasis on applications in medicine and biology.
Signal processing
Analysis of biological signals such as EEG, EMG, ECG
Knowledge of modern methods for signal processing with a focus on biological signals such as EEG, EMG, ECG or voice signals, from the analog preprocessing to subsequent diagnostics.
Study plan
You can also find the plan on the Faculty webpage.
Medical Instrumentation
You can also find the plan on the Faculty webpage.
Image processing
You can also find the plan on the Faculty webpage.
Signal processing
You can also find the plan on the Faculty webpage.
Compulsory subjects of the programmeCompulsory subjects of specialization
Elective subjects from a compulsory group of courses
Elective subjects
Tailor-made studies
A study plan with a great amount of elective courses allows to profile oneself according to one’s visions. It is possible e.g. to specialize in a commercial way with an intent of finding own company when courses by the Department of Economics, Management and Humanities may come in useful. If the student is interested in data analysis or neural networks, he may choose from the offers of the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Cybernetics.

Graduate profile
Our graduates mostly work in research and development teams, collaborate with medical facilities but also find employment in technological companies on technical, business and management positions. They also have a good basis for individual scientific work and may therefore continue with post-graduate study programmes at both local and foreign universities.
In order to obtain a supplemental qualification of “biomedical engineer”, it is is neccesary to pass an extra course demanded by the laws of Czechia. Similarly as for doctors, there are also postgraduate certifications for non-doctor workers.