Regular events


Informal meeting for all students, teachers and those interested in the BIO programme. The aim is to get to know each other better, have a good chat and also discuss student comments and suggestions for improving the program. The evening’s programme is usually complemented by presentations by companies who present their research topics and offer theses. The Winter Biomedical Day is usually held in the first week of December and the Summer Biomedical Day in the last week of the summer semester. An archive of past events can be found here.

Workshop of medical electronics

Orientation workshop for students of the Medical Electronics and Bioinformatics program. The workshop is organized for both incoming undergraduate and graduate students. Traditionally, it is held in Chlum u Třeboně at the Zájezek Training Centre. The general programme of the event can be found below, the event website here.

  • meeting with teachers of the Medical Electronics and Bioinformatics programme
  • explanation of technical and organizational information regarding the studies (organization of studies, internships abroad, possibility of double-degree studies, etc.)
  • lectures presenting the minimum knowledge expected of you as incoming students or current topics of interest in the field of biomedical engineering
  • creative workshop in medical electronics
  • presentation of the bachelor theses of the incoming master students, discussion of their conclusions and possibilities for their further development
  • leisure activities (walks, beach volleyball, …)

Excursion to the medical technology fair Medica and RWTH Aachen

In autumn, students in the final year of the Master’s programme regularly take part in a three-day excursion to RWTH Aachen and the Medica fair in Düsseldorf. At RWTH Aachen, they visit the laboratories of the partner Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering as well as other interesting laboratories (e.g. the Movement Laboratory at the Franziskushospital or the clean room at the Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering). The end of the excursion is devoted to Europe’s largest medical technology fair Medica in Düsseldorf.

Biosignal Challenge

Student contest in biological signal processing from practice. Topics vary each year and the best teams take home valuable prizes from partners Mathworks, BTL, Humusoft and NÚDZ. More detailed information about the competition and the current assignment can be found here.

Student Acoustic Seminar

A wide range of topics from microphones and microphone arrays to sophisticated noise measurements and noise reduction using acoustic metamaterials to modelling and measurements in the field of hearing and voice generation. The seminar is intended for students in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. One of the main purposes of the seminar is to try presenting your topic in a friendly environment. The event is held regularly in January at the FEL CTU building in Dejvice, and the papers are published in a proceedings with ISBN. Archive of events and information about the current edition here.

International Student Conference POSTER

The objective of the international student conference POSTER 2024 is to provide an international forum for the presentation of undergraduate and postgraduate student research work in the field of electrical and electronic engineering and informatics. CTU FEE organizes the event in cooperation with CTU FBME and CTU FIT. It includes a competition for the best poster presentation. The deadline for abstract submission is usually during March, the conference during May, for up-to-date information please visit the website here. You can see what the POSTER 2024 conference looked like on the faculty website.

Student Research Conference Aspects of work of helping professions AWHP

The Department of Health Sciences and Population Protection of the FBMI CTU in Prague organizes the AWHP student scientific conference. The central theme of the conference is the complex topic of population protection and crisis management in the full range of their spectrum: management and crisis management; chemical, biological and radiation safety; internal security; crisis health care; emergency medicine and disaster medicine and crisis communication and psychology of crisis situations.

The conference is intended to present the results of creative and scientific activities of students of bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes. The papers are published in peer-reviewed proceedings with ISBN. The deadline for submissions and the deadline for submitting papers to the proceedings is in early September, the conference in late October. Look back at the XIVth conference on the FBMI website and the proceedings on dspace.